A Survey! I hate these things but for some reason I always do them anyway...must be cuz' i'm bored at work.
1. Quick! Random song lyric?Shooobeedoobeedooahhhh
2.What time were you born?...around 3:30am -- NO, I'm not a morning person!!!
3.Do you still have all your fingers?yes
4.Have you been drunk this week?not even a buzz
5.Whats the last thing you ate?something from a Peruvian restaurant....don't know what it was called...but it was good.
6.If you could hit someone right now who would it be?...no one, I'm usually quite peaceful
7.Who do you miss right now?a lot of people...but the first person that comes to mind is my mommy!
8.How do you feel at this very moment?tired...i wanna go home!
9.What's the last movie you watched?Face/Off (hahaha, i had never seen it before and it was playing on TV while i was falling asleep)
10.When's the last time you had a family dinner?with my family? My bro's wedding.
11.What are your siblings middle names?Angela, Jonathan, Ann, Christian, Jason, and Ann (the 2 Ann's is my dad's fault..kinda funny)
12.What song are you listening to right now?something nasty on the radio....good thing I don't know what it's called.
13.If you could go back in time & change one thing what would it be?no comment
14.If you could have someone erased from your memory who would it be?don't think i should answer this one either.
15.Do you want to get married?yes
16.What are your plans for your next birthday?I don't plan that far ahead.
17.If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?I am beautiful just the way God made me :D
18.When is the last time you cried?I shed a tear or two while talking to my sister on Tuesday.
19.What are you doing this weekend?SLEEP!!!!!
20.If you could be on any tv show what would it be?CSI
21. Anything else you want to say?no
22.How often do you lie?does anyone really keep track?
23. One song to describe your mood right now. What is it?I can't think of the exact song right now...but it would say something like, "I don't want to spend an hour on the bus home, i'm tired"
24. Are you a pushover?depends on who i have to deal with
25.When is it okay to cheat?NEVER
26.What time is it in Japan?sometime at night I think...oh that means they're probably sleeping....maaaan, I'm so jealous!
27.Do you swear?every once in a while
28.What should you be doing right now?working :D
29.How many people have you made cry?I'm a heart breaker! Nhahahaha!
30.Where is your cellphone?on my desk in front of me
31.What's the last song you heard?Gee, don't know...the radio is playing nasty music this afternoon so I'm not paying attention
32.Whats bothering you right now?a headache
33.If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?on vacation far far away from work and commuting
34.When is the last time you talked to your dad?couple months ago??? not sure
35.Do you have any half siblings?yes
36.Do you regret anything you did in the past month?no
37. Do you get along well with your siblings?I do now
38. What person in your family are you the most like?Probably my mom
39. Do you make your bed every day?no, only on weekends cuz' i'm not home during the week so I don't see it.
40. Do you believe exes can really ever be "just friends?"yes, I'm friends with most of mine.
41. What are you wearing on your feet?Whinnie the Pooh socks and knee-high black boots
42. Have you ever cried and didn't know why?All the time