My faithful car made it through all 16 hours (each way) from Annapolis, MD to Cape Canaveral, FL - and in all fairness, Andre did too driving the whole time (except for about 3 hours when Pedro took over)

At our hotel room in Cape Canaveral - even while on vacation he still had to study so......Angelique and I went to the pool for some RELAX time.

The ship

First stop, Freeport

Our transportation to the beach -my legs got completely sunburnt from the ride and my ass was square- but it was so much fun!

The beach! Soooooo awesome!

Crystal clear water

Next stop, Nassau

Jet skiing - btw, I wouldn't suggest this to any other preggers, it was too bumpy and we had to go super slow....finally Andre dropped me off on the beach so he could actually enjoy it...other than that...it would have been fun.