Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Icy day

Yesterday our drive way was covered in ice so I couldn't (or didn't want to) go to work and got to spend a whole extra day with Emily. Here are a few pictures.

I'll drive in snow without a problem, but when it comes to ice that's a different story and a perfect excuse to stay home from work.

I pulled out her excersaucer and cleaned it

...and her johnny jumper

New bathrobe

"I love Grandma"

I also got smart and mixed banana in with her rice cereal and she ate everything and still wanted more....nhahaha! I'm too smart for this little girl (great! I'm competing with a 4 month old!). She's really interested in food and will try to sneak bites of whatever I have in my hand while carrying her.

...we had a fun day! I must call off work more often!

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